What our Customers say...

General Testimonials

Mr. Jose gave SERVPRO of Stone Mountain/Clarkston a perfect score survey. When asked what recommendations would you have to improve SERVPRO's performance in the future, Mr. Jose wrote "It was all a silver lining in a awful circumstance." 

Additional comments: Very pleased with the knowledge and implementation. 

 Demico was SERVPRO's onsite technician for this loss. 

*information provided from customer survey and transferred to web by administration. 

Mr. Jose gave SERVPRO of Stone Mountain/Clarkston a perfect score survey. When asked what recommendations would you have to improve SERVPRO's performance in the future, Mr. Jose wrote "It was all a silver lining in a awful circumstance." 

Additional comments: Very pleased with the knowledge and implementation. 

 Demico was SERVPRO's onsite technician for this loss. 

*information provided from customer survey and transferred to web by administration. 

Mr. Jose gave SERVPRO of Stone Mountain/Clarkston a perfect score survey. When asked what recommendations would you have to improve SERVPRO's performance in the future, Mr. Jose wrote "It was all a silver lining in a awful circumstance." 

Additional comments: Very pleased with the knowledge and implementation. 

 Demico was SERVPRO's onsite technician for this loss. 

*information provided from customer survey and transferred to web by administration. 

Received all 10's on Satisfaction Survey!

Received all 10's on Satisfaction Survey!

Received all 10's on Satisfaction Survey!